Marnie Hawson Marnie Hawson

Getting off the gas

Electrifying our future is the key to tackling the climate crisis. We can start now by electrifying our homes and cars, working towards a clean energy future for our kids.

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Marnie Hawson Marnie Hawson

How I back up my life

I could throw my laptop in the ocean, and I wouldn’t lose any data. Not any photos, not my email, not my to do list, not my client management system, not my documents. I could throw my phone in too, and not lose any data off that. I’ll tell you how.

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Marnie Hawson Marnie Hawson

10 steps to becoming carbon neutral certified

Becoming carbon neutral certified is a responsible action that I think every business should undertake, but the process can seem overwhelming if you've never tackled it before.

Here are a few lessons I learnt along the way. I find breaking down the process into simple steps makes it easier, then you just tick off one task after the other. The hardest step is probably just committing to doing it in the first place! These tips are specifically targeted at small businesses, accommodation owners, and sole traders like myself.

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Marnie Hawson Marnie Hawson

Pro bono program

I had a dozen amazing applications for the first round of my 2022 Pro Bono program, and it was very hard to choose! But the successful applicant has been chosen, and I’m very excited to announce them.

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Marnie Hawson Marnie Hawson

Who produces your coffee?

For a while there, I thought I was doing a good thing buying my coffee beans from a local roaster at our tiny farmers market. But when I asked the roaster where he sourced his beans from, and what working conditions and wages the workers were paid - he couldn’t tell me. He was so small that he couldn’t afford to buy fair trade beans.

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Marnie Hawson Marnie Hawson

Why I only work with a stylist

I’m pretty stylish, can’t I just do it myself?

That’s what a lot of clients might think, or think about their clients (aka the homeowner). But if you want professional photos, you need a professional stylist.

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Marnie Hawson Marnie Hawson

Comms Declare

I’m pumped to have joined Comms Declare, along with 80+ organisations that have declared for the climate.

This means that my work will not support any activities, organisations or individuals that promote:

  • the growth of fossil fuels.

  • high greenhouse gas pollution as ‘business as usual’.

  • deception, distraction or spin around science or climate actions.

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Marnie Hawson Marnie Hawson

My work – for the future

My practice has always been about making a positive impact, and especially helping others to make a positive impact.

It’s one of the reasons I pursued B Corp certification for my business in 2021. Now for 2022, I’m narrowing my field further to only take on clients that relate to either sustainable architecture or the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

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Marnie Hawson Marnie Hawson

What are the Sustainable Development Goals?

In 2022, I’m making a big change in my practice by only taking on clients who are working towards the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

So what are they? And why are they so important to me?

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Marnie Hawson Marnie Hawson

I’m a certified B Corp!

Friends. I'm excited to announce my business is now a Certified B Corp.

B Corporations follow ethical practices to do business by putting the planet and people before profit. They’re about providing a better way to help conscious consumers and businesses to make purchasing decisions that align with their values – which is precisely what I’m about too. Using business as a force for good.

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Marnie Hawson Marnie Hawson

How we can make an impact with money

Something we all use, in business or just in our personal lives. MONEY. And what a powerful statement it can make, with what we choose to do with whatever amount we have.

How we generally use money can be broken into five main areas - income, spending, banking, super and giving. Let’s dive into how we can make an impact with money.

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Marnie Hawson Marnie Hawson

Impact report 2020-21

This year I applied to become a Certified B Corp. Why? Because to me, running a business is about more than making money. I believe it's an opportunity to make a positive impact on other businesses, communities, people and the environment.

Broadly speaking, the way I achieve this is by working with clients who are doing good for people and the planet. However I can also create impact through how I run my business, using my for-profit model for good.

This report sets out the four main ways I worked to create impact in 2020-21.

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Marnie Hawson Marnie Hawson

6 ways you can do good as a creative

Last year I wrote an article for the good folks at Compass Studio on 6 ways you can do good as a creative.

No longer is a successful creative business just about the bottom line, it now takes a more holistic approach. If you’re wondering how to specifically give back or find a higher purpose in the work that you do as a creative or small business, these tips are for you!

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